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For many years Pearl Valley Cheese has offered our customers some of Amish Country's finest butter.  We have many Amish farmers that sell us their milk, as well as many hard working Amish people that we employ, they know us how butter is supposed to be.  Cream is a by-product from making Swiss cheeses.  We sell our cream to a small creamery that manufactures this butter specially for us.  Real butter is a delicate product and any extra processing used while making it can add undesirable flavors. Our butter does not go through large, fast-paced packaging equipment.  Instead is hand rolled, by real people, into wax paper, just like the Amish in our area have done for many years on their farms.  This butter has the most creamy and delicious flavor.  You can rest assured that this is REAL BUTTER, made from all natural ingredients.  It is the best butter you will ever eat, just give it a try! 

Amish Roll Butter, 2lb


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